Friday, August 13, 2010

Go Green!

Today I want to discuss something VERY important. My life has hit new lows. Surprising? I know. Fully clad in business casual at 9pm on a Friday night I found myself in an Atascadero In n Out. Yes, it cuts me deep to admit this out loud. After fighting with a denim beast for a table, I noticed something that disturbed me. It seemed every man, woman, child, he-she, whatever, was pulling out their tomatoes and just plopping them on their trays to be thrown away, never to be seen again. Call me a tomato sympathizer, but would it really be so damn difficult to report to the cashier "no tomato please"?! Ever since last summer's tomato recall, I've felt a new-found admiration for these fruits/vegetables (impressively straddling both worlds).

Then astonishingly enough I realized I was a downright HYPOCRITE. Shocking right? I was one of those hamburger- toppings- wasters as well. Every time my hamburger comes with pickles I toss them aside like useless peasants. Somewhere out there an orphan sits shivering in the cold, his tummy crying out for food, his mind full of salty pickles. Maybe……My point is, in a time where it's fashionable to conserve paper, gas, electricity...why not delicious toppings? And so I ask you my friends, to go green! Green pickles that is, and we can all do our part to conserve our valuable toppings resources. And while you're at it, hold the tomato. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, orphans and salty pickles! Bring it on, mother, like daughter, is an awesome forwarder of worthy emails.
